Enjoy the connection of solitary and timeless twins

Not sure if you’re a solitary twin? (click to open)

Welcome to the club! Doubt – especially self-doubt – is an innate character trait of a twin. Take this as an affirmative sign that you’re scoring way up in probability. Seriously, read on! To get to grips with this extensive topic, I recommend the following reading:

Question mark for TwinTest

The twin test : Are you a solitary twin? is not only interesting and fun, it also gives you a good orientation on how and where to look.

A hand scatters a question mark

To get an idea what your doubts are all about see Harness your doubt! 

A solitary twin with his shadow

To add some answers to the subject of twins in general see Twin matters!

A twin book casts light in the dark

Then, to go on further Wake up from the dream of the womb! is the place to dive in. It gives you a fine thread that you can pull on and that shows you the direction of your personal dream. A dream of the kind you want to wake up from, mind you!

Twin father lying on a clock face

Trust in time is about the healing process on our side of the connection. A good source at any point along the way to contemplate what’s at play. This is a central hub with links to further resources.

You will find out everything else for yourself. The above is a suggestion to get you started. Enjoy!

There is more to come, this website is constantly being expanded. If you want to be kept updated, at the bottom you can register for the newsletter. 12 times a year, interesting articles on the topic, information on the latest content and opportunities to connect. Offers for online workshops, tutorials and counselling will follow. Have a go and subscribe, thank you.

Pretty sure you’re a solitary twin but now “what to do” with it? (click to open)

Yes, what is it actually about? Maybe you somehow don’t understand it yet, which is completely understandable. Look at it this way: much of what you see as your natural character is simply your second skin. You have known this second skin since birth. But underneath is your first, original skin. Discovering this is a completely different stage in your life. Start digging, searching and trust your new realisations. Breathe a sigh of relief, your life is changing for the better. It’s a chance – the chance of your life, to be clear – so dig in!

Question mark for TwinTest

The twin test : Are you a solitary twin? gives you clues to your patterns that originate in the second skin. Follow them!

A twin book casts light in the dark

Wake up from the dream of the womb! is essential to start healing your wound in your first and original skin. Have a go!

A hand scatters a question mark

Harness your doubt! shows how to deal with your doubts. A first skin wound.

Twin father lying on a clock face

Trust in time is about your healing process. A good source at any point along the way to contemplate what’s at play. This is a central hub with links to further resources.

Seize your energetic sensitivity! makes you aware of your energetic level that you have, but of which you are probably not fully aware. The sensitivity comes from the wound in the first skin and provides you with a wonder bag filled to the top, if you can handle it! Definitely worth reading.

Above all, trust in life and pull on the thread that you hold in one hand, don’t let go. The mohammedans say, Allah loves you, but you have to tie the camel yourself. So do it and don’t let yourself down. Solitary twins tend to do this. So please take the lead and take care. You will find out everything else for yourself. The above is a suggestion to get you started. Enjoy!

There is more to come, this website is constantly being expanded. If you want to be kept updated, at the bottom you can register for the newsletter. 12 times a year, interesting articles on the topic, information on the latest content and opportunities to connect. Offers for online workshops, tutorials and counselling will follow. Have a go and subscribe, thank you.

You’re a solitary twin and feel stuck in your quest? (click to open)

Phew, the feel of stuck! But sometimes it’s best to let us hang in a dead end just staring at the walls. Then, in the depths, it brews and moves unnoticed if we simply let ourselves drift. Give it time, in other words. But you have an ace up your sleeve here. Ask your timeless twin for a hint. Even if you think it’s bollocks. Doubt with all your might if you want to, but be ready and open for an answer! Be aware in the next days and nights for all sorts of hints. If you get it, don’t explain it away. And don’t forget to enjoy the game of hide-and-seek. Have fun marvelling.

Another path worth following: connect with your bodily awareness and surf through these pages. Rather feel through than read through. Give your body and your feelings more than half of your attention and notice where they clearly start to pay attention. Stay there, just read around this point one more time, then stop and do something else. Nothing reading or mental, maybe in motion with air for the head. And see what happens. Trust time, trust your timeless twin, if you dare.

The following suggestions might help in this:

Question mark for TwinTest

The twin test : Are you a solitary twin? For a look at patterns that have their origin in the deep original wound of solitary twins.

A twin book casts light in the dark

Wake up from the dream of the womb! For a look at your story, how you came into this world.

Twin father lying on a clock face

Trust in time is about your healing process. A good source at any point along the way to contemplate what’s at play. This is a central hub with links to further resources.

Seize your energetical sensitivity! is definitely worth reading when you feel stuck. Getting tangled up here is the rule rather than the exception. It takes patience, but above all a clear view until things become clear!

Plunge into timelessness covers a reality that goes beyond this world here. And the connection to our timeless twin wants to be seen. With all the bliss it contains. Feeling stuck is somehow the only way to get our head to look in that direction.

If you are still stuck and feel like it, then get in touch with me. The concept for an online counselling service on this website has not yet been finalised, but we will see what makes sense.

There is more to come, this website is constantly being expanded. If you want to be kept updated, at the bottom you can register for the newsletter. 12 times a year, interesting articles on the topic, information on the latest content and opportunities to connect. Offers for online workshops, tutorials and counselling will follow. Have a go and subscribe, thank you.

A solitary twin is chasing the timeless twin

You got on this page because you are following your search. Probably on the question of “a lost twin, surviving twin or vanishing twin“. I’d like to add a helpful view here that can be key. “The dream of the womb” is not about losing someone. It is about losing connection. Or more accurate about experiencing the illusion of losing the connection. With terms like “twin survivor” we express, that the other “did not make it”. “Vanishing twin“ even proposes the other part just disappeared and is not there any more. This is somewhat odd. To put it mildly.

When the twin heart is fully expanded

The twin is there and we experience the wound and difficulties of this connection in our life because it exists and is deep. This timeless connection sends us on a journey, whether we realise it or not. If we are not aware of this, we stumble through the dark. It can be an exhausting and difficult ride when you look back after rediscovering the connection. But the same connection has the potential to fill us with deep joy. In such a way that our heart has to go to its limits to hold it. It is this very connection that offers us the experience of a close connectedness beyond our imagination.

A solitary twin looks out

We are not only bodily, social and psychological beings. We are also energetical and spiritual beings. The latter two are key to understanding and solitary our twin connection. In this we best use our innate doubts to be open to all sides. What if you are a solitary twin and have a true bridge to your timeless twin? What if this bridge or your timeless twin wants to be seen? Regardless of whether you know it or believe in it? Doubt it, but give it time, think about it consciously and let your very own experience and insights guide you.

As introduced above, on these pages I use the term “solitary twin“ for us twin parts in this world. The term “timeless twin” stands for our twin that is there but is usually neither visible nor tangible.

Crane flyes alone

This website is also about the connection between solitary twins. When we discover that we are solitary twins, it is very profound and transformative. Struggling through it alone is the obvious thing to do. Firstly, because we are used to having to go through it alone. Read on in these pages, and you will understand why. Secondly, who do you want to share your thoughts and feelings with? The chance that someone in your environment will understand you from their own experience and support you from there is not too great. Even partners or the closest friends can’t fully comprehend what it’s all about if they don’t know from experience. But solitary twins who consciously integrate their story into themselves do! They know this process with their heart.

Crane flyes near other cranes

You, who are reading here, are perhaps just beginning to discover this unknown process. And there is unlikely to be a club or course nearby for solitary twins. We’re just too scattered across the landscape. This is where the sharing and connecting via the online world can be a real help. That’s exactly what this website is about, too. It offers you the chance to connect with other solitary twins. Because it is a real grab bag of help, you will realise that when you experience it. And others also benefit from your insights and your sharing, you’re a real grab bag too! When we connect, we simply understand ourselves easier and more comprehensively.

As I write this, I am on the construction site of website, concepts, offers, services and networking. It’s taking shape, for more future info you can subscribe to 12times/year below, thanks. Read on if the above introduction resonates with you. The topic is vast, I offer as many insights as possible at first glance, and from there in depth. Select and read with feeling. Enjoy.

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Image sources: With thanks to CDD20.

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