Privacy Policy

First of all

Human beings – like you and me – tend not to be able to keep track of everything when things get complicated. I keep the rapidly changing browser and website technology and the corresponding interpretation of data protection laws on my radar as best I can. If I miss something, I’m happy to receive direct feedback. I will look into it. Thank you very much!

When you book a membership, I save the email address you enter on the server. This enables me to manage and provide the membership you have booked (e.g. send Zoom links). You will automatically receive the monthly newsletter to this address, you can unsubscribe any time via the corresponding link in the newsletter. All further details follow below.

Contact address

Contact me through here or address below

a reference



This privacy policy is intended to inform the users of this website about the nature, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the website operator.

As the website operator, we take your privacy very seriously and treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory provisions. Since new technologies and the constant further development of this website may result in changes to this data protection declaration, we recommend that you read through the data protection declaration again at regular intervals.


Access data

We, the website operator or page provider, collect data on accesses to the website based on our legitimate interest and store these as “server log files” on the website server. Without these basic technical aspects of the World Wide Web, it would just not work. The following data is logged in this way:

  • Visited website
  • Time at the time of access
  • Amount of data sent in bytes
  • Source/reference from which you came to the site
  • Browser used
  • Operating system used
  • IP address used

The server log files are stored for a maximum of 7 days and then deleted. The data is stored for security reasons, e.g. to be able to clarify cases of abuse. If data must be retained for evidentiary reasons, it is exempt from deletion until the incident has been finally clarified.


List of integrated components

The following applies to all plugins, exceptions are explicitly listed: No user data is shared with third parties, all data is handled on the local server only.

Provider is Defiant Inc., Seattle, USA
Wordfence is used to protect our website from unwanted access or malicious cyberattacks. No IP-data is outgoing to the Wordfence servers. Details can be found here:

Real Cookie Banner
To manage the cookies and similar technologies used (tracking pixels, web beacons, etc.) and related consents, we use the consent tool “Real Cookie Banner”. Details on how “Real Cookie Banner” works can be found at
The legal basis for the processing of personal data in this context are Art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR and Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. Our legitimate interest is the management of the cookies and similar technologies used and the related consents.
The provision of personal data is neither contractually required nor necessary for the conclusion of a contract. You are not obliged to provide the personal data. If you do not provide the personal data, we will not be able to manage your consents. Real Cookie Banner Plugin does – if you consent – store your IP address together with the consent and the date.

This website uses the services of MailPoet to send newsletters. MailPoet is a service that can be used to organise and send newsletters, among other things. If you enter data for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter (e.g. e-mail address), this data is not stored on MailPoet’s servers, but only on our server. The data you provide us with for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter will be stored by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter, then it will be deleted from our servers. Data stored by us for other purposes (e.g. e-mail addresses for the member area) remain unaffected by this. You can revoke your consent to receive the newsletter at any time with immediate effect. All you have to do is inform us of your cancellation, usually via the link to unsubscribe from the newsletter.
Details can be found here:

An Ajax Realtime comment system with custom comment form and fields. Designed to enhance WordPress native comments. This component collects and stores the entered user data (email address, consented name and typed in comments) on the local server. This data will be stored indefinitely without your revocation.
Details can be found here:

Google Analytics
I personally want to use Google Analytics to better understand what my readers are interested in and how I can improve my website for them. I understand anyone who rejects that. So that’s been said:
Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our Service. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. You have to opt-in – and can opt-out anytime. of course – to make your activity on the Service available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics. Not opting-in or opt-out prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js and dc.js) from sharing information with Google Analytics about visits activity. For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:



This website uses cookies, which are transferred from our server to the user’s browser. These cookies are small files that are stored on your terminal device. Your browser accesses these files. The use of cookies increases the user-friendliness and presentation of this website. However, you can also visit this website without providing any personal information.

Common browsers offer the setting option to not allow cookies. Note: It is not guaranteed that without cookies the display of all content will work smoothly. It may also not be guaranteed that you can access all functions of this website without restrictions if you make the appropriate settings.


Collection and processing of personal data

The website operator collects, uses and discloses your personal data only if this is permitted by law or if you consent to the collection of such data.

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify you personally and that can be traced back to you – for example, your name, your e-mail address or your complete IP address.

We process personal data only with your explicit order and in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.

Personal data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interest in fulfilling our contractually agreed services and optimizing our online offering.

All data that you enter on this website is processed and stored on servers in Zurich, Switzerland, operated by Metanet AG (see their privacy policy).


Duration of data retention

The duration of storage depends on the type of data. Data from the Contact Form ( is stored for as long as it is relevant for the e-mail exchange and is legally meaningful. The newsletter registration data will be stored until you unsubscribe plus an additional 3 months for legal and purposes. The user login data and the access rights to your purchased digital purchases will be stored until your cancellation with your request for deletion.


Handling of contact data

If you contact us as the website operator through the contact options offered, your details will be stored so that they can be used to process and respond to your request. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent.

Contact form and comments

If you use the contact form, we process the personal data you provide of name, e-mail address and content details. If you write a comment we process the personal data provided by you of name, e-mail address, content details and whether you wish to be notified if this triggers another comment.


Rights of the user

As a user, you have the right to receive, upon request and free of charge, information about what personal data has been stored about you. You also have the right to have incorrect data corrected and to have your personal data processed restricted or deleted. If applicable, you may also exercise your right to data portability. If you believe that your data has been processed unlawfully, you may lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.


Deletion of data

Unless your request conflicts with a legal obligation to retain data (e.g. data retention), you have a right to have your data deleted. Data stored by us will be deleted if it is no longer required for its intended purpose and there are no legal retention periods. If deletion cannot be carried out because the data is required for permissible legal purposes, data processing will be restricted. In this case, the data will be blocked and not processed for other purposes.


Right of objection

Users of this website may exercise their right to object to the processing of their personal data at any time.

If you wish to correct, block, delete or obtain information about the personal data stored about you, or if you have any questions regarding the collection, processing or use of your personal data, or if you wish to revoke any consent you have given, please contact us at our contact form.

Thank you.


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