
Starman gazes at handy

Here you find a brief intro to help get you started in the membership area.
This intro is constantly being improved based on feedback, thank you.

CentralHub (see above, menu or ≡ ) is the right place to go for any direction you are looking for. Your booked membership is displayed with a clickable icon. This gives you access to the content of the corresponding membership. You can also find your account details in CentralHub.

You can find help in Q&A (see above, menu or ≡ ). Look there if you have any questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please ask me directly. I will be happy to expand the Q&A section with your question, thank you!

Tipp für Navigation: Wenn du oben auf einen Teil der Linie hinter Nav² oder ³≡BeispieI anklickst, bekommst du eine Übersicht mit Kurzbeschreibung der relevanten Seiten. Ausprobieren und damit spielen erklärt den Rest, viel Spass!
Tip for navigation: If you click on a part of the line behind Nav² or ³≡Example at the top, you will get an overview with a short description of the relevant pages. Playing around with it explains the rest, have fun!

That’s it. Take a look around and be curious!

Image sources: With thanks to CDD20.

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