Visitor overview

Overview overall images

Here you get a quick overview of all content for visitors, together with the shortest possible guide. Later you will find further content under Offers & services. But let’s jump in.

Starter reading

The startpage is an introduction. Please note the 3 fold-out questions with recommendations for reading and taking action. Estimated reading time 10 minutes.

Twin test: Are you a solitary twin?  is not only interesting and fun, but also gives you a good orientation as to what it is all about and what it means to you. Estimated reading time 13 minutes. Allow some time to wonder and play.

Twin matters! adds some answers to the subject of twins in general. Estimated reading time 5 minutes. Content is constantly being expanded.

Wake up from the dream of the womb! gives you a fine thread that you can pull on and that shows you the direction of your personal dream. A dream of the kind you want to wake up from, mind you! Estimated reading time 15 minutes, allow some more time to let images emerge.

Trust in time is about the healing process on our side of the connection. A good source at any point along the way to contemplate what’s at play. This is a central hub with links to further resources.
Estimated total reading time 28 minutes, the part about time 15 minutes, the rest in parts at will.

In-depth reading

Harness your doubt! gives you an idea what your doubts are all about and how to deal with them.
Reading time 20 minutes, a quiet time is an advantage.

Seize your energetical sensitivity! gives you an insight into your sensitivity. I highly recommend reading the introduction, then you will certainly see the light. Estimated reading time introduction 2 minutes, main text 35 minutes.

Plunge into timelessness covers a reality that goes beyond this world here and includes it at the same time. Our timeless twin feels at home in both dimensions. And we solitary twins? How open are we to a timeless reality and how can we bring this into language? Estimated reading time 25 minutes, a quiet time is an advantage.


Language creates reality has an intro that is worth its 1 minute of reading time. And then you can pick your choice, it’s a kind of vocabulary. You might find some answers to expressions I use (and don’t use). Estimated reading time 8 minutes (but who reads a vocabulary from top to bottom?), content is constantly being expanded.

The guiding star

Vision & guiding principle reveals my guiding star in doing what I do here. Estimated reading time 1 minute.

About me. Estimated reading time 23 seconds, the long version 2 minutes.

You will find further content under Offers & services.

Image source: Thanks to CDD20.

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