I am confident and optimistic about the potential of all the services I offer, especially the course evenings and the subsequent transfer times. However, if you would like a refund, please read the following sections.
The following applies to all evening courses: Partial refunds are available up to 3 days after the first course evening following your booking.
If you decide within 3 days of the first course evening that this is not the right thing for you, I will refund the costs minus the amount for the course evening of CHF 60. You can request a refund here.
There will be no refund after 3 days have passed since the first evening of the course following your booking. If you have good reason to withdraw after that time, we will discuss the matter and find a solution that works for both of us.
I have a relationship of trust with my clients, and I want to keep it that way.
Thank you.