Plunge into timelessness

A timeless view at the twin connection

This text covers a reality that goes beyond this world here and includes it at the same time. Our timeless twin feels at home in both dimensions. For us solitary twins it is important to find our own inner image or feeling how to connect with this reality. We are also energetical and spiritual beings and these two facts are most important for connecting with our timeless twin. So I share my view here.

Find out why I don’t like to use the term ‘spiritual’ much and why your connection to your timeless twin is fully functional. Learn the difference between the currencies of time and timelessness. Perhaps you will gain a new perspective on sharing consciousness and what’s life all about.

Estimated reading time 25 minutes, a quiet time is an advantage.

Whatever images and words we use to frame so-called spiritual reality, wrapping and unwrapping it requires attention, tolerance and patience. Thank you in advance for yours.

Package insert

First of all, here I just give some insights which seem helpful from where I look. Let them nudge you when it fits for you, let them be if they are out of touch for you. If they later come up again and sort of annoy you, take heed. Maybe there is something in it, which want to be seen by you. Then don’t take it too seriously, enjoy being driven out of your comfort zone. That is growth. Becoming more aware. This is life itself. In other words, I present here some numbers which might make sense for you. Check them in validity with your very own perception. And then do your own maths with the numbers that are valid for you.


A timeless outlook – not a spiritual one.

The difference? There is no realm which is not spiritual. This is such a crucial difference that I dare to repeat myself once more here, with another view on it. Our daily work is as much spiritual as going to church or doing a Zen meditation retreat. In fact, sometimes it can even be somewhat more spiritual than the latter two. Independently whether we work in a zoo or in an international trading company. I just contradict myself, I know, but just for illustration purposes. The universe is spiritual, the timeless dimension is spiritual, each thought, feeling and action within the world too. There is no outside of spiritual. It contains all. I prefer calling it life.

A fish in timeless space at a microphone

Why am I harping on about spiritual view? Because, there seems a widespread misconception here. If you want to believe in Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny, you need to be strong now. There is no old man with a white beard in heaven, nor a dark-skinned wise woman. A more fitting image might be, that we are a drop in the wave in the ocean, and we are the drop, the wave and the ocean at the same time. Replace ocean with everything-that-is, and we’re gaining some ground. So, there is no outside of it. Here, of course, we are talking about a spiritual view. Soon enough, our religious background will probably come up and want to bring in its view.

Now, religion is the key word here. Religions are about reconnecting, that is the meaning and origin of the word. “Sin”, also a religious term, is derived from “missing the mark”. Both concepts – reconnecting and missing the mark – include the concept of time, as do many other religious concepts. We have to do something in order to reach something. That is strongly linear and therefore causal thinking, isn’t it? And more important: On the base that we are disconnected! On the base that someone external is able to tell the mark! With this, a religion invents the old man or the wise woman sitting in heaven. And we are set apart, outside, desperately trying to make out the mark.

We learn or think: But one day, some distant day, we will get it and make it back. Then everything will be great! So we keep on trying. Is it okay to shorten here? Or should I add another … and we keep on trying? When we use the word “spiritual”, there is a high chance that we are reinforcing this misconception. Think about, it’s worth it. We are not disconnected. This is not possible. There is no outside of it, see? So every possible view is spiritual. Because we are all spiritual and conscious beings. Even if it is sometimes hard to believe, I admit. When we use “spiritual”, we tacitly divide into “spiritual” and “non-spiritual”, into the wise old woman in heaven and us here.


It’s simple – perhaps that’s why it’s so complicated.

Fish and man swimmung through timeless water

With that, we are like swimming fish in the ocean, desperately missing the water. Well, why have I taken us this far? As solitary twins? Because it is all about twin connection. Explicitly not about twin reconnection. Thinking about the difference and why it should be worth mentioning? Stay tuned. There is a part of our mind that likes to invent puzzles to make sure we are busy solving them. We should not underestimate this part, the problem-solving mind or the thinking machine, whichever term you prefer. A vivid picture? Think of ourselves being in a room. The problem-solving mind organises the information in such a way that we cannot see the room, but think we are outside. Everything is there, we, the room.

So much is true. But we’re already in there. We, on the other hand, are dead certain that we are outside. We are trying by all means to enter this room that is there. This is an unsolvable problem, as you can perhaps see. We know the room is there. Somewhere. But we will never be able to enter it. I could recite a line from above … and we’ll keep on trying. We can’t enter a room we are already in. It’s as simple as that. We just have to see. Realise or wake up. Whatever you call it. The same is true for our twin connection. It is already there. In all its fullness and magnificence.


A fully working connection

A fisherman inside the fish is timeless one with it.

Fullness? And magnificence? Do I want to make a fool of you, I hear you say? Not at all. Let me explain. If you look at your life so far, you will have to admit that this connection has influenced your life in a profound way. If you have only recently begun to discover your twin story, you will be able to piece together many previously unfathomable circumstances into a coherent pattern. Continue reading on this website, you will find much more. So, this connection influences you a great deal, no matter what. To the fullest. So fullness might be a valid word, even if it’s a bit over the top so far, ok? But wait for it!

You are reading this because you have already become aware of this connection. Here I would like to tell you that the really difficult part is behind you! Now that you know what to look out for, you can steer and be on the road with it. There may still be a few bumps along the way, but nothing as big as on the path you have travelled so far. At this point we must – perhaps – all be grieving, angry, feeling betrayed in a very bad way, thinking that life is evil or even out to get us. It’s best to start right away. We really need to embrace all the feelings that are inside us, there is no way around it.


No cheating but gold digging

Man digs hole in endless desert

In this, there is no cheating and no hiding. Why? Because in the timeless dimension, honesty is not a quality. Everything is there as it is, open, seen, no judgement. We will go into the circumstances of this later, I promise. So we can’t pretend we’re in good spirits. We are or we are not. No problem, unless we do not accept this clear perception of all our feelings within ourselves. Therein lies the potential to remedy all kinds of injuries that still lie dormant in the depths. Maybe it feels like digging in the dirt, but there are heaps of gold in there too! The dirt is temporary, the gold remains.

We are still on the track to fullness and magnificence, remember? Let us assume that we are making good progress in avoiding the mistakes of the past that we were unable to avoid due to not knowing at that time. We are even on the verge of forgiving ourselves for not realising it sooner. This can be a struggle in itself, as you may realise. So we are digging up our gold and gaining solid ground bit by bit. And in all of this, there is our connection to our timeless twin nearby. How do we deal with it? How do we look at it? Do we appreciate it? Do we see the magnificence of its value?


Attracted to the unusual

Man lifts lid to beyond this world

If we are an average solitary twin without realising it, we are somehow attracted to the unusual. We probably read or hear reports of near-death experiences, perhaps. Of course we doubt it, but it’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? We listen to people who describe life after death. Reluctantly, in an inner clinch, but still interested. We might feel fascinated by spiritual mediumship, energy therapy or any other so-called spiritual realities. Meditation, the spiritual side of yoga, kundalini energy, none-duality. In short, in something that goes beyond our daily life and this world. With the corresponding doubt, of course, all the time. Maybe we also deny all of this clearly. Decidedly. Completely and utterly. At every opportunity.

Then we are cool. And the only thing which triggers us to lose our cool, is the above subject. You probably get it. It is about the same. Having said all this, we find ourselves in our present space and time. And guess what? Our connection to our timeless twin is exactly a direct line to that realm or dimension we had a look at in different kind of suits above. A dimension that “goes beyond this world”. As some put it. I call it timeless realm or dimension. Later on with more to it. We are still on the track to fullness and magnificence, remember?


A VIP line to the unsual

a building with a timeless VIP line to the moon

Now, say, we have a red painted thing on our table. Telephone, video device, hands-free system, you name it. With a direct connection to our timeless twin. Into the timeless dimension, to make sure we don’t miss the point. How long do we moan about lost opportunities before we take an interest in how this red thing works? Hey, really, nothing against moaning, it’s vital, as I emphasised above. I mean it by heart. But here we are on the track to possibly the most fulfilling and magnificent turn in our lives. If we have a kind of VIP connection to the timeless dimension from birth, do we realise how precious it is?

Of course, every now and then we fall back into complaining about the suffering that this connection has caused us. But if so, for how long? That’s not a problem, our twin is loving and eternally patient, I guess. I mean, he or she has to be. Then again, there is no time on the other side. But humour is there too! I’m deadly serious when I write this. A good pinch of humour helps to build a bridge. Says my twin too. Laughter is a highly spiritual thing, it connects the head, heart and body to the here and now in an instant. It gives us a taste of timelessness. Good spirits in a light mood.

Just in case if you think I’m being disrespectful to this realm “beyond the world and the dead”. I’m not being disrespectful, I’m just being natural. Laughing with loved ones is a good thing. And the so-called “dead” are quite lively and interested in life. Life has a different meaning here. Replace it with consciousness, and we get on real solid ground in timelessness. So let’s first take a look at timelessness before we look at the connection to it. Since our twin is residing there, it’s good to think of one or two things to get an idea of our twin’s home base. So let us start with time.


About time and consciousness

Man walks through time and space

Here in this world we are dealing with time and space, including the masses, they are interconnected. When we move our body to another place, we need time. The whole universe is space and exists in time. Even if space and time can be bent, it changes shape but still exists. Right? Are you with me? Now let’s do a simple thought experiment. Let’s say twins – both alive, as I have to mention on this website – are closely connected. One of them is injured and the other immediately feels the pain or shock too. Similar to when you call someone and the other person has just thought of you. Comprehensible? Yes?

Let us now assume that the twins are in the same neighbourhood. And another time on different continents. Does that change anything? Does space have anything to do with this connection? In my perception, no. Nor in the twins’ perception, I assure you. Set one of them near outer space, like on Pluto, the connection stills works immediately. It doesn’t need something like six hours to wobble through space like light. It is about consciousness. The twins are aware of each other somehow. In their consciousness. Right?

Consciousness is not linked to space or mass. It is therefore neither linked to time nor bound to it. It is timeless. Bear with me, I may need another curve to convey the essence of this point. Let’s take a look at both ends of our lives here in this world. Coming into this world here – as solitary twins, we have arrived in company – we came from the timeless dimension. Every mother, father and midwife knows that when you look into the eyes of a newborn baby, there is someone inside. We are not blank slates. We bring our consciousness with us, or rather, we are consciousness. This end of our lives is actually the more difficult end than the other.

It takes years for us to get our consciousness halfway together, right? We need time to pick up the story we brought with us in the family we grow up in. As a solitary twin who reads along here, you know what I’m talking about. So, being born means coming into time and therefore space many months before birth. Before that, we haven’t been hanging around anywhere in the universe, at least not in the universe of time and space. And when we die, we won’t do it either. We just step out of time and space. But not out of consciousness. Our consciousness expands with it, to some degree, as I see it. Attention, slippery floor, because this is (my) subjective view. Nevertheless, it can be valuable and provide inspiration. And: there is basically no objective view. Rather, there are true and truer views. The latter include the former.


About timeless consciousness

Moon body walks out of time into timeless dimension

I am a part of consciousness as you are too. No more, no less. Apart from funny mistakes, there are truths, and there are greater truths. As I see it, when we step out of time we perceive more than our present life. A suitable picture to me is that of a wardrobe in which many, many of our lives hang on the hangers. We’re probably a bit surprised to come home and to reconnect with it, ah, yeah, how could I have forgotten? Perhaps our present life will simply fall to the ground for a moment, so to speak. But it’s not a moment in time, it’s a moment of conscious focussing on another thing, in a way.

We can touch each life on the hangers and immediately everything is there, every experienced detail in it. It doesn’t take time, it all is just there. Maybe we’ll catch sight of our twin near the wardrobe, ah, wow, it’s you! Again, how could I have forgotten? We immediately make out him or her in all our lives in different roles and shapes. It is all natural, just as we know our brother or sister in this world at the age of seven, at nineteen and at forty. Different sizes, shapes and states of consciousness, hopefully, but the same essence. It’s just a different way of being, it’s a different reality. With a deep joy in all of this.

In this state, we are much closer to what I personally call our soul. Perhaps we are then our soul? That doesn’t sound quite right to me, but we are certainly getting closer. In the state of timelessness, “our” and “soul” and “being” are just words from the time side of the fence. Language and words are linear and therefore bound to time. Here we’re out of time. Consciousness is different here. As I promised above when I said that honesty is not a quality in the timeless dimension, we now have a glimpse of it. Everything is there as it is, open, seen, without judgement. We don’t tell stories, we are the story.


Sharing consciousness

Fish inside us inside fish as timeless one

In timelessness we share a complete experience. Not a few selected details or only to a certain extent. It is about sharing and not about being judged. As receivers, we experience the shared experience with all feelings, thoughts, energies and states. We are not emphatic, we are simply in a state of receiving. In this witnessing consciousness there is no judgement as we know it from the time side of the fence. I suspect solitary twins have an inkling of this sharing. Very often I experience solitary twins who largely listen without judgement.

This is a very open space from the point of view of the person sharing. There are not many opinions and preconceived ideas to overcome. What is shared gets not categorised and sorted into suitable and unsuitable. It just is. None-judging listening, or making space for sharing. Does that sound familiar to you? Do you suspect yourself of this trait? With great doubt of course. But still, yes? And have you experienced this many times with in the role of the sharing person? I guess not. But you might easily conceive how it feels overcome opinions and preconceived ideas when sharing. And also how it is trying to come around getting categorised and sorted into suitable and unsuitable. Yes or yes?

With other words, you can’t share the complete package of an experience. As a professional self doubter, so to speak, you’re sure it is because of you. You’re just not good enough in words and language. Does that sound familiar too? Whew. First basic communication rule? The recipient determines the content. Hang these words over your bed for a while. It might help. It’s about consciousness, here as well. Ah, that has become a longer side route than I thought. But an interesting one and well worth it. Somehow, we are closer to the timeless dimension in many different aspects in our lives than we realise. It is therefore important to get more insight into our twin’s dimension.


Currencies of time and consciousness

Man and child on a timeless timepiece without hands

And it is our dimension as well, don’t we forget. But now let us find back to the timeless wardrobe room. You remember? Everything is there as a whole, just as it is, with a deep joy in it. There the currency is consciousness, not time. I hope, this picture gives you a clue, a feeling of the timeless reality. Add your own insights and feelings and clues, or discard my picture and replace it entirely with yours. But create your own image of the dimension your timeless twin is. It is your home base too. Ask her or him for support. I mean, we all have this red, ready-to-use thing with a direct line to there on our table, right?

The consciousness of the timeless dimension is loving consciousness. What we usually call love on our side of the time fence usually has a large proportion of neediness in it. Then the proportion of “I need you” in “I love you” is large. This has little to do with love. We can love someone or something if we are independent of it. But it is heaven on earth when we can express our love for someone because we feel this love within us. Then we are this deeply felt love. Is that tangible? Love is independent of the one who is loved. Independent of a response. Can we also feel love for ourselves? Much, or even everything, is based on this. If this is missing, we are in deep trouble.

When we connect with the timeless dimension, we can feel this loving kind of consciousness very deeply. It can go to a level where we have to expand our hearts to the limit. And a little beyond that. That is also growth. The connection with our twin sometimes has this quality. It touches us deeply. It takes courage to open up to it. It can reactivate our pain from the time when we thought we had lost the connection. But it is the healing of that wound. The connection becomes stable, the injury heals, the blessing in it comes to light. It seems maybe a bit cheesy again, but words are rare to find when encountering the timeless dimension!


Life is impermanence.

Man under timeless sky at night

We may have heard that before. The thing is that life – all there is – is ever expanding consciousness. We are all a part of it, and our timeless twins too. All there is. This means we are dying all the time. Let me explain. Earlier in this text, you may have just lost faith in the Easter Bunny. Something in you died. Similar to the moment when we realise that our belief in Father Christmas was unfounded, this can be painful. Probably not least because we feel let down by the people around us who made us believe. Do you agree? In this case, we lose faith twice over. Firstly, in Father Christmas, and secondly, we no longer trust what our surroundings tell us.

But with this, our truth from before became a greater truth. We have grown up a bit and have become wiser. Something had died and that hurt, didn’t it? We let go of an old self, and embraced a greater truth, in other words. Are you with me? What is important to us in our lives hopefully changes with age. But we can also get older and stay the same and not get any wiser. The difference makes our conscious effort to grow. Like letting go of attachments to truths that gave us orientation and security in the past. They were important and helpful, no doubt about it. But at a certain point, they hinder our growing consciousness.

A greater truth emerges. Hopefully, this goes on until we die. And it certainly does not end with our stepping out of time and space. It’s best to stay curious about exactly this topic, it’s our home game. If we consider our end in time daily, we learn a lot what’s really important in life. Learning to let go is a daily thing. In a way, we die each day when we get wiser. That is becoming more conscious. Now, this is a general a truth, no big deal. The real deal is, that solitary twins seem to be more attuned to the growth of timeless consciousness. It is a subjective observation only. It’s not about “us” and “them“.


The thing with the free will

A man climbs up a timeless dune to a ladder

Of course we have free will in our lives. I would never question that. We can create as much chaos in our lives as we want. No doubt about this, have a look around. Maybe at some stage, we have to do it? Who knows? But following our common thread, we only have to decide for ourselves. Now, another observation in the lives of solitary twins is, that we are not that free to choose. Reading here and looking back, we may be aware that our twin story sent us on a quest, on a search, without realising it. And this journey is not a nice bedtime story to say the least. It caused us to go over our limits, many times. Right?

In other words: Growth on a scale that we would not have achieved voluntarily. As I said before, the twin connection, our timeless twin, the timeless dimension wanted to be seen. Wanted to be discovered. There is such an urge and drive in solitary twins to this discovery, look at your own life in retrospect from here! Perhaps it is a guarantee that we will wake up. To make sure, that we recognise there is something else, apart from our life in this world. Whatever it is, it sure works! We get to the insight, that there is something bigger at work than just ourselves. Our timeless twin for example. And another dimension is involved. Are you still with me?

Near the conclusion I would like to say again, it’s not about “us” and “them“. It’s about being aware of who we are. This is a general question for all of us. Each and every one of us is a question of life itself. Our life is the answer, that has never been given before. Original creativity from the book of life. In this, we have to follow our own thread, no matter what. If we discover tracks on our way in the jungle, we are probably in the wrong place. Then we are following someone else’s tracks. But it’s fun to share ideas with others who can tell stories from unfamiliar territory. Don’t you agree?

Woman relaxes and stays in Bed. Timeless coulors.

If you are a solitary twin, I can only recommend one mission, just one. Take care of your connection to your timeless twin. Embed it in your life. Find the joy and freedom that lies within. Take time for healing. When you think you’re healed, heal some more. Like the flu, stay in bed a day or two longer than your head tells you to. Count in months or years here. Don’t jump out of bed to save the world. That’s old hat from days gone by, you see? And then, when you are finally healed, you will have gained an incredible foundation to be and do whatever is there. Be curious and let yourself be surprised what it is. I bet you will!


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Image sources: With thanks to CDD20.

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