About me

I have been on a lifelong quest without realising. I assembled a comprehensive therapeutic background not knowing and never arriving. Until I found the missing piece of the puzzle. To be a solitary twin. With that all the incoherent pieces fell into one single image. Since then my life changed completely for the better, beyond words. All content I offer in these pages I know literally by and in my heart. I lived and live it.

Want to know more about me?

I just arrived in my sixties, have two grown-up sons and a basket full of life experience. A variety of professions. In my fifties divorce and selling the home as remedy. After that, I created a new and, most of all, real home for myself. By now I live there in a new and true partnership and my life has completely changed for the better. In other words, the story of a solitary twin. Some more details?

I grew up as the youngest of five siblings. First profession electronics engineer, then second profession physiotherapist, accompanying children and their parents for more than a decade. Various training programmes for energetical somatic therapy. An energetical awakening set me on a spiritual path in my thirties. Broad and specific knowledge of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and dream work through training, supervision and self work. Training and experience in shamanic work. Almost four decades of studying evolutionary astrology and working with clients on a case-by-case basis. Sound training and experience in systemic counselling and therapy. Trained supervisor for groups and teams. Extensive experience in leading workshops in various fields and topics. Meditation practitioner and teacher. (This list is a common characteristic trait of a solitary twin: enough professions for two. In an endless search for something without realising it.)

But none of this gave me a clue to be a solitary twin. It took me until my mid-fifties to discover my “dream of the womb” in a dramatic way. Since then, my life has completely changed for the better. All the loose and incomprehensible ends of my life have fallen into a finally clear and transparent picture.

In my own story, a general awakening is connected with this. I have also witnessed a profound change for the better in many others. There is a before and an after. In between is the chance to grab the steering wheel with consciousness. And there is help from our timeless twin. But it is our own intentional and conscious work as solitary twins to attune ourselves to this connection. As you can see from my profile, I have a solid background that can be helpful in accompanying this quest. But what really empowers me is the fact that I was and am on the same journey.

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