Seize your energetical sensitivity!

The energetical sensitivity of solitary twins

Woman with energetical sensitivity gets pulled to her left

It is best to read the introduction first to see whether the issue resonates within you. It will give you an insight into the energetical sensitivity of solitary twins, and how you can make good use of this text.

Estimated reading time introduction 2 minutes, main text 35 minutes.

Introduction – Does the following issue resonate within you?

Maybe you’re able to connect with one of the following two experiences.

Thank God it’s Friday, and you are free to do what you like best and enjoy it. You’ve been looking forward to going out with your friends since Tuesday. You’re meeting up for dinner, and then you want to go out on the town and dance in the clubs. The four of you have just sat down at the table and started talking and telling stories. And somehow at the blink of an eye it hits you. You feel yourself disconnecting in a strange way. “Not again!”, it shoots through your head. But you can’t help, it’s already happening.

As usual – because you have experienced this many times before – you look for a reason, find none and no longer understand the world. You are also familiar with this. It has hurled you away, perhaps into a black hole or into an empty space from which you view the situation, the four of you at the table. You know the rest. You could leave right now, but you’ll probably stay, and it won’t make any difference to you. You can’t comprehend what’s going on and feel like an empty shell watching what’s happening. The situation could be different, but maybe you can connect with the feeling that is arising?

Or as a second possible experience, you can have a conversation with your partner or another loved one. There is something you want to express and make understandable. But experience tells you that this is exactly what is difficult. You’re as careful and on your toes as you can be. But no matter which path you choose, no matter which words, no matter which image, you fail. And while failing, you see it coming, counter steer each felt misunderstanding, and fail nevertheless. “Not again!”, it shoots through your head and pierces your heart. But there’s nothing you can do about it, it’s happening nonetheless. “What on earth am I doing wrong?” is there, along with powerlessness and hopelessness.

Book with blank pages for own energetic sensitivity images

If any of the above resonates with you, the following text is highly recommended. This is a therapeutic text that encourages your own inner images and nudges you inwardly. You have many treasure chests inside you. We can only open treasure chests once for the very first time. Amazement mingles with old scents and dust, discovering yellowed photos and memories. We’d better not do this in a noisy pub. It’s best to take time and space for ourselves and our treasure chests. Enjoy your inner treasure hunt.


Main text starts here

What we think influences our overall energy.

Energetic sensitivity lets body sink down in water

When we think of a past and sad break up with someone close, we probably soon feel the feels of that situation. Only if we let us connect with it on the emotional ground, of course. And when we let this happen long enough, our body senses some of the misery from then too. Our overall energy will lessen. Tangible in our whole being. Right?

Energetic sensitivity lets body float up in air

When we think of a past joyous meeting with someone close, we will end up with a tangible increase in energy sensed through our whole being. Are you with me? This example starts with the thought, then comes the feeling, the body, and the energy follows. No big deal, we all experience this. True?


The energetical sensitivity translates into feeling

The merry trio, famous for their perception of energetic fields

Let’s assume that there is an energetical field that permeates our body and extends beyond our physical boundaries to a certain degree. If this is difficult for you, doubt the idea that there is no such thing. Lead in the dance with your doubt. Be courageous and open to breaking exciting new ground! So imagine a merry trio watching us remember a sad and then joyful situation, as described above. The first one perceives just the view of your energy field. Perhaps he first notices a small and pale grey cloud, which then becomes large and colourful. Or perhaps he sees dark drops falling in the fog and then bright sparks fly all around. Is this conceivable?

The second one hears just the sound of our energy field. Or may we say, that he perceives our energy field as sound? In any way, maybe he hears first a muffled, discordant orchestra, then a clear and harmonious one. Or first squeaky chalk on a blackboard and then gentle lapping of the waves on the beach. Are you with me, is this conceivable too? The third one perceives our energy field as bodily sense. He may first sense a contracting stomach and a pull towards us, and then a warm breeze from our direction that blows around him. Or first sense a hard surface with sharp and sticky tips and then soft warm moss.

Now imagine this merry trio sharing their perceptions with each other. What a wealth of impressions of exactly the same happening! Not before long we will hear them saying: “You know, this discordant orchestra made me feel unhappy and impatient, I felt longing for music … Me, I really enjoyed the feeling of this sunny moss on my skin, the contracting pull let me feel akward … Hey, after the heavy feeling of the dark clouds, the bright sparks felt like exciting fireworks!” During their exchange, they rely on a common denominator: feeling. They translate their perceptions into feelings and use feelings for additional information and also as means of transport to each other. Translation of information and transport. All right?

The merry trio, famous for their perception of energetic fields

So the merry trio say thank you for the exciting experience and they shuffle off. Before they are out of earshot, we hear them further eagerly and curiously comparing and figuring out their different perceptions. A lively bunch of interested fellows. Are they sad or joyful after this experience? Nope. They are rather curious and have just discovered a riveting topic. It makes them share with wonder and laughter. Keep an eye on this picture. Our merry trio sharing information.


Stranded on an island

A leaf on a beach of a desert island. Best place to seize energetic sensitivity.

To find out more about the energy field, let us strand ourselves on a desert island. Right after we broke up with “our first love”. Some people around us may have told us that time will heal. Maybe we feel like shoving it in their mouths and shooting them to the moon. And we are right. This is nonsense, widely spread, but nonetheless nonsense. Time itself heals nothing. It is consciousness happing in the time, that heals. But now on this island we are far from such insights. We might just feel our bleeding heart and suffer with our whole being. Emotion, thoughts and body in a united turmoil. I wonder what our merry trio would perceive?

So we find ourselves on the beach in this chaos. We are this chaos. And it takes time to be sad, desperate, angry and to sort ourselves out. Fill in your own words with feeling, we have all been there. And slowly, or maybe suddenly, we overcome the downward pull and get some solid ground again bit by bit. Our days even have minutes again when we no longer think about our ex. And with time these minutes expand to hours. What a relief! We are feeling better. Now, we are all alone on this island. This all happens within us. No external inputs of any sorts, no fancy advise like time will heal. Now guess what?

The merry trio, famous for their perception of energetic fields

Like us, our merry trio has been on this island too! They were on that small hill behind our backs. They noticed us from time to time and made space for us without wanting to disturb us. But they shared their perceptions with each other, curious and eager as they are. The first one witnessed an emerging purple near us, which just showed up in the last days. The second heard lately a row of cellos in the orchestra and realised that they were not there before. In the last days, the third senses a firm and at the same time flowing shell around us. In the first days he nearly fell off the hill through a pull factor.

In relation to us, our cheerful trio is neither sad nor happy after their time on the island. They just witnessed what they have perceived. They did not connect to our story. Maybe they are wise enough to know, that it takes time and space to let consciousness evolve. They take in their perceptions as information, translate them for the purpose of exchange and then enjoy a lively chat with each other. They know our energy field over time and through their very own perceptions. And they are consciously minding their own business, aren’t they? Having arrived here, do we have a clue of a field which permeates us, usually invisible, unheard and non-sensed? It exists without us noticing it.


Stranded on board

A freighter on sea to test our energetic sensitivity

After our time on the desert island, we finally feel balanced enough to set off for the mainland. Life lets a ship come by, and we jump in and head off. We soon learn that it’s a vessel carrying chemical waste to be dumped on a lesser-known coast. The officers on the bridge openly state that the ordinary sailors are all losers and lazy good-for-nothings. The sailors threaten daily to take over the ship by any means necessary. They are convinced the officers have cheated them out of their pay. Both sides are insecure about our position, and they watch and ignore us at will. How does our balanced state now? Any chance that the environment is influencing us?

On board of sailing ship

But then fortune is with us in the middle of the ocean! We can transfer to a large sailing ship that crosses our course. This ship is sailing for the training of seafarers, is manned by motivated sailors and is on a direct course to our home country. The ship’s crew is often working singing and has precisely our kind of humour. They even have a cat on board, which is their beloved pet and lucky talisman. What does this to our state? Checking us body, feeling and thoughts – order is only linguistic here, there is no order –, what do we find? Perhaps they are all talking of the same thing here. Namely our surroundings. Now guess what?

The merry trio, famous for their perception of energetic fields

Yep, you guessed it! Hidden in the lifeboat, our merry trio has been travelling with us. They sneaked onto the freighter all by themselves and I listened to their conversation under the tarpaulin, nosy as I am. Sorry, guys. “After three days on this dump bucket I’ve seen the newly emerged pink of our aquaintance getting dim and soaked by those masses of brown weeds … Oh, the thudding drums all around drown out the orchestra of our comrade, apart from the occasional trumpet blasts used by the cavalry to signal an attack … I felt our companion like a pinball moving through a field of electric charge, being pulled and pushed by all these magnets, trying to get through.”

Okay, I admit, I helped the merry trio jump on board the sailing ship. Their chat continued on the very first night on board. “I’ve seen changing colours around our friend quite quick, like someone would use a wide paint roller. Or was it like a wide eraser, and the colours emerged from under the brown weed patterns? Either way, when this cat with its turquoise glow was nearby, the pink rose again and these colours finally merged … Did you hear the row of cellos? Oh, sorry, I forgot, you can’t. They played a duet with the helmsman’s piano as they told jokes to each other … I only sensed a free flow. A very large flow that knows little boundaries.“


Radar talk at the port

Masts and antennas at sunset - a picture of energetic sensitivity

After arriving in our home port, the merry trio sneaked off board. They have moved on to the nearest harbour pub to further their studies. They thought they would find some real interesting stuff there. So we are all alone. What did we learn? There is something going on what we experience, but there is a layer in it that we probably miss. The surroundings on the two ships influenced us differently, for sure. Are you with me? We are not an isolated island in the middle of such .. energy fields? We could visit each of both ship without any crew talking to us, touching us or looking us in the eye, and we will experience … what? And how?

Personally, I experience the existence of an energy layer daily. I’m not always aware of it, as I’m not always aware of my body. To clarify, I don’t have the perceptions of a merry trio. But I do know there is an energy layer. Now, sometimes, when a thought crosses my mind, a feeling arises or a bodily sensation comes up – I pause. Maybe I take one breath time to probe deeper. Probing kind like a radar. I don’t jump right away on the thought or the feeling or the bodily sensation like jumping on a moving train. I take a quick look at the timetable, so to speak. Where does this train come from, and where is it going?

Radar is an appropriate term here. In a radar scan, a specific area on an energy layer is scanned with an energy antenna. Our merry trio would immediately nod in approval. They know their abilities through sharing and comparing with each other. One does radar scan energy fields by view, the next by sound and the next by bodily sense. You know them by now.

Well, we haven’t yet taken a single look at how we ourselves experienced our stay on the ships. It’s about time we did!


Review of the ship passage

Freighter at sea

The dense atmosphere on the freighter will nag at us. Our balance is at stake and will be difficult to maintain. Right? We might soon feel anxious, angry or powerless. We may think of the idea of being thrown overboard or of taken prisoner for ransom. We might sense difficulties to breath and bodily constricting pressure. No one will blame us. Or do we overreact? Wanna have a look? Now we be cool, slow down, restart. We were balanced when we hopped on board. At what state was the crew then? A happy bunch of loving sailors who enjoy the sunset together every evening? No? What then? Please note, they are all from the Sailors’ Guild. As are the pirates.

Sailors get angry on a ship. A mutiny is near. What are they thinking? Throw these rags overboard! Or take them prisoner and demand a ransom! What emotions are obviously involved? Anger, fear, power and powerlessness. Possible bodily sensation? We sensed two of them, breath and constricting pressure. We perceived exactly the very thoughts and the very feelings of … who? Ourselves? Thinking thoughts of being thrown overboard or captured for ransom? Are these the thought patterns of a non-seaman? Really? Let’s examine the feelings of … ourselves? Anxiety, anger, powerlessness. Mmm. There is clearly a serious dispute on board, but it’s not about us. We are even being left out of it. But we take on feelings, thoughts and bodily sensation.

Are you still with me? Let us consider thoughts and feelings for a moment only as the perception of information. Just as we normally deal with bodily sensations, we register them. Now information triggers our perception. Do we look at the triggering information or at the perception? When the ship’s horn sounds, do we pay attention to the sound or to our ear? On this ship, the triggering information is the environment with strong emotions such as anger, fear and powerlessness. Combined with nautical thoughts about mutiny and making others walk the plank. Thoughts associated with fear and anger can be very contagious. The perceptions are our thoughts and feelings themselves, these are just information. The triggering information is in the energy layer around us. We are in this layer too, we are no isolated island on this ship.

The information tell us, there are powerful feelings at play, combined with thoughts of violence. If we go on a ride with the feeling of fear and the thought of being thrown overboard, we miss out on something crucial: It is only information that we perceive. We don’t have to act on it. It is about taking the information into account. That’s the best course of being on the freighter. Perceive what is there, with a clear mind, take a deep breath from time to time. And hold our space. We still are not an isolated island, but we can consciously decide whether and which driftwood we pull onto on our beach. And with that, we accomplish a tremendous job!

On board of a sailing ship

Let’s change ships and see how we fare on the sailing ship. When we step onto the deck, we probably look around a little anxiously. Then we hear the crew singing while hauling the sails, it touches us in a strange way. We see the helmsman give us a quick wave with a smile. The free watch is telling each other jokes, one of them does pet the cat. We sigh and relax. The next days find us often at deck soaking in the sun and fresh air. Later on, we sometimes pull on the line of the spinnaker with the sailors. That’s real fun. We know what the port side is and where to lend a hand when tacking.

When the mainland appears on the horizon, we sometimes think about becoming a sailor ourselves. We ask the crew what it would take, what the prospects are like, and all the pros and cons. And when we arrive in harbour, we leave the ship with a basket full of ideas. Mmm. You maybe guess what’s coming, right? On this vessel, we soon feel safe. Motivated people who are eager to learn to do what they love? This means openness and exchange is at hand, at energetical layer in other words. Combined with strong emotions! Remember? What happens near people who pursue their craft with love and joy? Their thoughts and actions are powerful and therefore highly contagious too!

So we find us connecting with their joy and even with their actions! We find ourselves in the middle of a highly enjoyable pack of energy. And we even think of becoming of a permanent member of such a crew ourselves. Which is understandable, or not? But … whose thoughts are these? Who is in the middle of becoming a permanent member of the crew, and who is weighing all pros and cons of different nautical future prospects? You get it, hopefully. All the information we perceive is there, without a doubt. But we might mistake the energy of the environment as our own. Then we confuse the perception with the triggering information, in other words.

Let’s look deeper at our soaking up the sun and the fresh air on deck. The weather hasn’t changed since we left our desert island. How about enjoying the sun and fresh air on the deck of the seemingly doomed freighter? Do we feel fit enough now to image, it’s possible? Really, to see ourselves relaxing on deck in midst of this perceived trouble on board? Not our trouble, mind you! Could we imagine that we – like the merry trio – were only eagerly interested in all the colourful perceptions? And just minding our own business in the midst of it all? Yes? Great! Now, we do the same on the sailing ship, again but with a slightly different view.

We still enjoy participating wholeheartedly. We delve in and experience all the joy and sharing and getting in touch. But we don’t let this joyous energy take control of our own space. We enjoy it, live it, but stay aware of our own home base, so to speak. See the difference? We don’t become a becoming sailor. This is an energy layer thing. “Sleeping things over” is exactly that. We reset in the energetical layer, or get neutral, over time. When we’re alone, in nature, stroking pets. Do your own radar scan, when I’m telling this. What does it tell you? In nature? What’s your favourite pet? What’s happening, when you cuddle it? See? Feel? Hear? Sense? Radar it?

Masts and antennas at sunset - a picture of energetic sensitivity

Now, don’t panic. The world isn’t out to get you. You’ve been living in it since you became aware of it. But if you embrace this insight here and let it sink in, things will change for the better. Being aware that energy can trigger feelings and thoughts is half the radar scan potential. Use this to get additional information. Don’t suspend any of your other well-trained perceptions. Have fun with curiosity to train your own sense of the energetical layer. This works best.


The highly strung energy antenna

Volume meter high up for energetic sensitivity

This brings us to the important point for solitary twins. For various reasons, the volume of our energy antenna is raised to a very high level. One reason is, we are still somehow connected to our timeless twin, so there is a delicate opening somewhere. For this we may have been labelled “highly sensitive” or even diagnosed with “sensory processing sensitivity“. Labels are not helpful here and are more likely to mislead. Key is what it does to us and what we are doing with it. As long as we don’t know our dream of the womb, that is, our twin story, it will cause us difficulties. Either we take care of it, or it takes care of us.

If you could only take one thing away from this website and I could decide, that would be it! That you know without a doubt how highly strung your energy antenna is, how it works and how you can deal with it. So let’s get started. We have never directly compared our sensitivity, that is, our energy antenna, with others and are not aware of its degree of sensitivity. There is no measure for them at school, neither in sport nor in physics. It is subjective, end of the story. In following minutes doubt that your energy antenna is just the usual average type, if you can. Ready?

How and in which way you perceive is unique. For sure you will “feel” a lot. Feelings are always powerful, energetically speaking. Close behind, thoughts and the body will be involved to a certain degree. Just “knowing“ who’s ringing. Just “sensing“ someone’s bodily pain. The whole deal what we had a look at our journey on the ships, right? Once more, we often translate the energetical layer into feelings. Now the crucial fact is, that a solitary twin will most likely – not always and only half aware – perceive feelings and states of others in a depth, that they do not perceive themselves. Read last sentence again. And then once more. Do you dare to accept this at least as a possibility? You better do!


The unofficial pickle prize

If you say we are on slippery terrain here, I am the first one to agree with you. But I know and see this crucial fact for sure. How to translate and to point to is the thing here. You can’t talk to anyone about it except those who are experiencing the same thing. If you try to share with others, you will definitely miss out on being voted the most sensible person of the year. On the contrary, you win the unofficial pickle prize for the most doubted person in the family, neighbourhood or town. You name it. Here we come across one of the main obstacles to solitary twins: doubt.

One blue fish in midst of grey fish with energetic sensitivity the other way round

Doubts are a major obstacle to a clear view of our highly strung energy antenna. Come along with me once more to get an idea. Imagine growing up surrounded by people who see in black and white with all shades of grey. No colours. That means there are no words for it either. The different greys have different names, naturally. Naturally? Yes, for all the people. But it is not “naturally” for you. When they use the synonym for middle grey, you perceive sometimes blue, then green, then red. All sorts of colours! You just grew up like that, this circumstance never came into discussion, how could it? But it sure did not help you to assure yourself!

Now try to speak of and point to blue, green and red. Those around you will have a question mark on their faces. Then they will assure themselves among themselves, they see all the same. That’s the way realities are constructed, in short. Then, they will question you, doubt you. Right? What about you? Will you doubt yourself too? I bet you will! The connection between you and the others is at stake. Keyword: connection is at stake! As a solitary twin? You’ll do anything to keep this connection. Doubting your own perception? Yeah, no problem, forget those manifolds nuances in a single shade of grey. And you hear yourself say: “Sorry I mentioned that, I wasn’t at my senses”.

That hurts, doesn’t it? But it is understandable. Please note, the topic of the above view is about a difference in physical perception only! This is very simple compared to the complex perception of energy, feelings, thoughts and body. Just to make sure we better realise on what ground we operate here. And please be cautious when you doubt. Doubt what I am saying, but also doubt everything you have taken for granted so far on the topic of perception. Put two and two together, rearrange the furniture in your mind, when the result tells you to do. Have faith in your calculating power! For further numbers to calculate with, read on. Maybe for a later reading: Harness your doubt – The doubt of solitary twins.


Function and intention of our energy antenna

Volume meter high up for energetic sensitivity

First, let us look at the function of the energy antenna and our probably unconscious intention. We go back to the time when we have lost the connection to our timeless twin. Then something within us has decided with all its might to never experience such a devastating pain again. We didn’t see it coming. So we expand our perception by all possible means in any direction. We want to be safe and in control. Ready to take countermeasures in the event of danger immediately. The delicate opening, that is left from the connection of our twin becomes our tool. And we radar scan, feel and sense as if our lives were at stake. And this is true. Our twin’s live is lost!

It cost our twin the life because we didn’t be on the watch before, we feel. Does this view resonate with you? It is just a short possible version, but gives a frame to connect with. There are powerful forces at play. Death, guilt, deep bonds – you’re probably able to connect to the depth. Mind you, this all unconscious stuff, of course. The deeper it lingers, the more powerful it influences us. The earlier it happens, the more powerful it influences us. As a rule of thumb. Do the estimate. When our birth time arrives, where is our hurt by then? Our innermost wound is already hidden deep down and does its work already, influencing our life through our perceptions.

So, we got a glimpse on from where our perceptions stem and how we harnessed them for our purposes. Now let’s switch to the present. This unconscious intention of being on the watch in relationships is still active. It is that deep engrained in our being, that we know nothing else. It feels natural to us. Life is like this. It has always been. No problem with this. Hmm. Yeah? Really? Well, relationship life of solitary twins is complicated, to put it mildly. As you may have noticed and probably read on this website and elsewhere. Again, as long as we have not yet integrated our dream of the womb, it will continue this way. Close to certainty.


Energy layer at play in our daily life

Volume meter high up for energetic sensitivity

When you radar scan a feeling or desire in your partner, you react involuntary. Immediately, swift, “natural”. Now the thing is, that this sensing and reacting can be below your partners perceptions, and you’re not aware of it yourself. Yet. You can’t, because you have never known another state. Your partner can’t, because the motion has not reached his own awareness threshold yet. If you’re a solitary twin, the chances for such an ongoing pattern are as mentioned close to certainty. We take it a step further. With our vow from then, we will go a long way to not lose a partner again. We do and are virtually anything, to keep the relationship going. You see, where this is going?

If you do, take this as confirmation to know this pattern. Add a partner who controls or even manipulates us, and we are doomed. Call it by the label toxic relationship, it is not helpful either, but in this case very descriptive. Our engrained vow to control the outcome of the relationship can potentially destroy us here. The vow is that the connection survives no matter what. Maybe you immediately connect with some of your own experiences? While we may be more likely to recognise such patterns in our closest relationships, it doesn’t have to be the intimate partner. As men, if we lost the connection to our twin brother, our relationship with male friends might be complicated.

A newbie at the checkout

Insert the theme of your own dream of the womb, and it will show you where to look at. Whatever happened there, it does influence you to the core. In many areas of your life. Right up to paying at the checkout. Let’s say the cashier is a newbie, a bit clumsy – and above all deeply embarrassed because he has just mistyped and doesn’t know how to cancel. How do you react? Reassuring, is my not far-fetched guess. Friendly, supportive, with a truly sincere smile and meant to hold space for him. You just can’t any other way. Involuntary, you see? Why? Your reaction comes immediately, swift, “natural”. His embarrassment is not really on display. Why do you notice?

Because you radar scan the feelings and uncertainty and many other states of the newbie in one flash. This is not doing, it is perceiving. You really get the newbie in all his colours, so to speak. Of course, we could say we’re eager to re-establish the lost harmony of our twin connection. It might be worth giving it some thought. But it is deeper than that, from where I look. You just had a glimpse into a timeless layer of another being. Maybe him being deeply embarrassed touched us, or maybe it opened him, whatever, but getting a glance of this, you really can’t help to be soft and kind when connected to such a realm. Don’t you feel?

If you look at the two examples in the introduction, what do you think now? In the first one on Friday night at the dinner with your friends, you got hit by a disconnected feeling in a known but strange way. Remember? In the second example, you are unable to express yourself in a conversation with a loved one. You see it coming and still can’t prevent it. Now add a point of view of your energy antenna to the play. What could you possibly have picked up in the first situation? You entered the restaurant in good mood, see? Think clear!

In the second situation you find yourself in a multitude of layers. The energetical layer can be a key to finding solid ground. And then to recognise perceptions, intentions and patterns that play a role from there. Think clearly with the knowledge you have just gained from reading this text! Knowing how our energy antenna influences us and how it works enriches our lives immensely.


Stumbling block or greatest potential

Stumbled moon body captivated through energetic sensitivity

This is both our stumbling block and our greatest potential as solitary twins. If we don’t get aware the way our energy antenna works, it works with us. If we don’t handle it, it handles us. With certainty. It is the same with the dream of womb, the same with our connection to our timeless twin, the same with our timeless twin itself. If we do not actively engage with them and strive to become aware of them, we will stumble again and again in our lives. They are all rooted in one cause or intention. They remind us of our connection to the timeless realm. And this is news beyond words! Literally!

Moon body walks toward energetic sensitivity with grace

If we get the way of the energy antenna right, we take a big step towards getting the other issues right too. Don’t forget that they are rooted together. Any improvement in the other areas will also help the energy antenna. And then, we do not just stumble no more. I assure you, then you will thrive to an extent that you cannot even remotely imagine in your depths. You can eat your cake and have it too. Where there was doubt, there is clarity. Pain gives way to joy. Restlessness goes, serenity comes. With a smile from deep within. It may sound cheesy, but it is profoundly true.

In my own life, I went a long way to get this overall insight all together. Putting this into sensible and hopefully graspable words has been a long journey too. If all this leads to shortening the journey of even a single reader, it is worth it. Thank you for your trust and patience in following me so far, from deserted islands across the sea with ships and merry companies.


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Image sources: With thanks to CDD20, catsfromspace, rdlncl, ptra, KRiemer, BertrandFines, StockSnap & @mjlo.

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