The timeless connection with the twin
Timeless twins are neither dead nor lost and certainly not vanished. Losing this connection is an illusion – it is this very connection that plays a key role in our lives.
Estimated reading time 4 minutes.
If you are looking for information on this topic, you will find the terms “a lost twin, surviving twin or vanishing twin“. I’d like to add a helpful view here that can be key. “The dream of the womb” is not about losing someone. It is about losing connection. Or more accurate about experiencing the illusion of losing the timeless connection. With terms like “twin survivor” we express, that the other “did not make it”. “Vanishing twin“ even proposes the other part just disappeared and is not there any more. This is somewhat odd. To put it mildly.
The twin is there and we experience the wound and difficulties of this connection in our life because it exists and is deep. This timeless connection sends us on a journey, whether we realise it or not. If we are not aware of this, we stumble through the dark. It can be an exhausting and difficult ride when you look back after rediscovering the connection. But the same connection has the potential to fill us with deep joy. In such a way that our heart has to go to its limits to hold it. It is this very connection that offers us the experience of a close connectedness beyond our imagination.
We are not only bodily, social and psychological beings. We are also energetical and spiritual beings. The latter two are key to understanding and solitary our twin connection. In this we best use our innate doubts to be open to all sides. What if you are a solitary twin and have a true bridge to the place of your timeless twin? What if this bridge or your timeless twin wants to be seen? Regardless of whether you know it or believe in it? Doubt it, but give it time, think about it consciously and let your very own experience and insights guide you.
As introduced above, on these pages I use the term “solitary twin“ for us twin parts in this world. The term “timeless twin” stands for our twin that is there but is usually neither visible nor tangible.
The connection with solitary twins in time
This website is also about the connection between solitary twins. When we discover that we are solitary twins, it is very profound and transformative. Struggling through it alone is the obvious thing to do. Firstly, because we are used to having to go through it alone. Read on in these pages, and you will understand why. Secondly, who do you want to share your thoughts and feelings with? The chance that someone in your environment will understand you from their own experience and support you from there is not too great. Even partners or the closest friends can’t fully comprehend what it’s all about if they don’t know from experience. But solitary twins who consciously integrate their story into themselves do! They know this process with their heart.
You, who are reading here, are perhaps just beginning to discover this unknown process. And there is unlikely to be a club or course nearby for solitary twins. We’re just too scattered across the landscape. This is where the sharing and connecting via the online world can be a real help. That’s exactly what this website is about, too. It offers you the chance to connect with other solitary twins.
Image sources: With thanks to CDD20.