Twin matters!

twin matters at the wall with a angel shadow

Here you’ll find some helpful answers that twin matters. Answer to questions that often come up when we discover our twin story. These views are from my perspective to the best of my knowledge. A study in progress, reviewed and well-founded.

Estimated reading time 5 minutes. Content is constantly being expanded.

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A tower of books with twin matters topics.

This is a work in progress. Please let me know, what topic you are missing. I will be happy to add it to this list. Thank you very much!

Over one in ten is a solitary twin

One in ten twin matters.

More than one in ten of us start life as twins at the beginning of pregnancy. Only one in a hundred is born a twin. The figures vary, but they speak a clear language. Most twins lose their counterpart in the first three months, unnoticed from the outside. Perhaps a small haemorrhage, and that doesn’t even have to be the case. Let’s say the chance of it happening to you is 1 in 8? Then count off all those who will never read this text because they are not on a quest. Shall we kindly say only 7 less? Then we’re at 1:1. Think about it for yourself, have doubts. But be kind to yourself and do it for all sides.


No need for twins in the family history to be a solitary twin

You can have started your life as twin without any twins in your family history. There’s no doubt about that.


Wouldn’t my mum have realised she was pregnant with twins?

No, that doesn’t have to be the case. If you can, ask her if this is possible and listen with your heart. Maybe she remembers to have had a slight feeling? But most often there are no clear facts. Perhaps the large placenta was noticeable at birth, or even a tiny undeveloped foetus. But not too long ago, some of the professional staff “spared” the mother bad news in favour of the healthy born baby. Good intention, but damage done. The perhaps difficult news for you: No one can tell you for sure. And the good news for you: Only you count in this, you’re the expert for yourself. Rely on yourself, on what your feelings, your body and your clear mind are telling you. They are an unbeatable trio.


Twin bond is the closest. If it snaps, no one can fill the gap.

Twin so close bond so twin matters!

Twins are way much closer to each other than to their mother. Have you ever been in closer touch with twins? For a change I mean, with both twins alive in this world. In my youth, I had the chance to have twins as close friends. And later I accompanied twins and even triplets from birth on more than a decade as a physiotherapist. The twins in my youth sensed pain when the other had an accident. They felt the changing moods of the other when it was deep and intensive. They were miles apart, had no contact and there were no mobile phones back then. Later in my work as physiotherapist exactly the same impressed me over and over again.

Twins have clearly a unique close bond. Even mums are outside this circle of two, forming the next tight circle of three with their twins. Wise mothers of twins know what I’m talking about. Why is this worth mentioning? To understand ourselves and our history as a solitary twin. When we are at the starting line in the womb, our twin is close. The mother? She’s there, but around us, far away compared to our close companion, with whom we came along to this place. When our twin disappears, there is a gap. No surrounding space or energy can replace this or fill this gap. Even if our mum had been an angel, she wouldn’t have been able to.

There is no one to blame, neither us nor our mother. We arrived with this close connection, which is timeless and with this bridge to the other side. That’s all. We don’t have to feel ourselves bad, that we couldn’t take our mother’s love to fill this gap. Are you laughing? Good. When it comes to death, there are strong currents of fate, responsibility and the sense of not having done the right thing. We feel the loss of control and take responsibility for it. Even if we now perfectly realise, we couldn’t control death.

With death on the dance floor, it’s a tricky space we’re looking into here. But as solitary twins, we shouldn’t shy away from this door. We have danced in this space. What have we taken away from this dance? Now, hopefully, we have a different perspective on death and loss. We have lost the connection. But back then we felt death and the deep loneliness it caused. Ask your timeless twin what their perspective is. Did we die from our timeless twin’s perspective? Or what is it like for our timeless twin that we have lost our connection to him or her?


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Image sources: With thanks to CDD20t & StL20

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