Twin test : Are you a solitary twin?

A twin test with 20 questions and 1 report.

twin test question mark throws light into the dark

This test helps you to deal with your doubts and it gives you insights into solitary twins issues. Take it seriously, but also have fun.

Estimated reading time 13 minutes. Allow some time to wonder and play.


another twin test question mark scrumbled by a hand

As I have already mentioned in various places on this website, doubt is an innate trait of solitary twins. At the end of this twin test you can add 4 extra points to the result for this fact if you wish. I hope this twin test helps you to deal with your doubts. It’s also about getting a feel for the characteristics of solitary twins. It is a kind of signature that runs through the lives of solitary twins. And there are clues to traits and experiences that you may not have associated with your twin story.

The questions and their brief descriptions of this twin test are purely subjective, based on the experiences of solitary twins. No claim to general validity before the highest scientific court. But compiled, tested and validated by solitary twins who talk their walk here. You’re welcome to contribute too, it is an ongoing piece of work. Thank you.


Click here on this line! All questions are expandable!

Then you will find more inputs and details on the questions.

I suggest the following rating for the questions:

0 : You can’t connect to this question at all.

1, 2, 3 : Feel or fill out for yourself.

4 : You are well aware of this from your experience and feelings.

Please note: The number selection in the test can be deactivated in certain browsers if the translation is turned on (e.g. Safari, but Chrome should work everywhere).

So here we go, enjoy!

Twenty questions

Are your relationships complicated and life-defining?

You might experience relationships as a matter of life and death. Or your well-being is tightly linked to harmony in close relationships. When there are disagreements, your own ground is quickly and clearly shaken.


Do you have an explanatory excuse for the above question?

You explain to yourself why it’s normal to be in a complicated relationship. Or that it’s not that complicated after all. Or that every relationship is complicated. You think it’s good to be humble and work on issues with each other, no big deal. You may even think that the greater the effort, the greater the reward will be at some point.


Do you see areas in your life where you have worked, bought or thought for two?

Maybe you buy two identical pairs of shoes or clothes? You shop or cook food for yourself, but end up with two portion on a regular basis? You have more than one job, enough professional training for two or hobby equipment for a pair when being single? You work for two? Or are you somehow thinking or planning for two, even if it’s just you?


Are you always missing something, but you don’t know what?

It’s like a faint odour in the air that something is missing. Or like something that is just outside your field of vision. You can’t catch a glimpse, you can’t take a whiff. Even with your intensive – usually extremely critical – self-observation, it is impossible to localise and grasp it. It’s always been like that.


Do you catch yourself feeling strangely absent and disconnected from yourself?

You might feel alienated from the world at times. As if you are being pulled away from yourself. With a great deal of awareness, you manage to be with yourself one moment and somewhere else the next. As if you have two inner worlds and cores. This goes so far that you sometimes fear that you are no longer sane.


Do you admire or despise people who seem self-confident?

This kind of people will not let you remain indifferent. How can they be so sure of themselves? You might dare to doubt their confidence for a moment, but then you feel guilty and envious. You better become more humble and take a tight look at yourself.


Do you sometimes fall into a black hole?

When the black hole threatens, whatever you do, you feel powerless to fight it. Sometimes you see it coming, linked to external events, and you are paralysed. The events run like a film, inexorably towards the black abyss and downwards. What remains is a deep feeling of powerlessness.


Do you experience relationships as something that splits you up inside?

When you come into contact with people, you may feel torn. You really want to get in touch with the other person. But you have to put up with a lot to do so, you feel. This happens in a subtle way, you can’t really understand how it happens. But you feel it, and sometimes it drives you nuts or away from people.


Do you feel like you are on a lifelong quest for peace?

Perhaps you have been through many counselling sessions and therapies. Or you have undergone therapeutic training yourself. Because of your highly empathic nature, you are naturally gifted at counselling others. But despite the rich insights into your own story, the crucial realisation never came. Something is missing, and you don’t feel at peace.


Do you believe that there are always two people involved in a relationship problem when it’s not because of only you?

You think you have a lot of flaws when it comes to relationships. But you strive to be better, of course. This is how you change yourself, you come first here. You take the other as it is, the other comes first there. Only at the end of your own options you doubt that both could be involved. It is inconceivable that only the other one has to change. That doesn’t change even if you get hurt all the time.


Do you keep feeling a longing that can’t find an answer anywhere?

Whatever you achieve, this longing remains. But it drives you to search without understanding what it is. You might have several training programmes and professions in succession or even simultaneously, as well as being very active in life in general. Perhaps you work, cook, eat or shop for two. But whatever you do, you have never done enough to be at peace with yourself and the world. It’s always just round the next corner. But you never turned that corner.


Do you sometimes feel completely alone in the midst of so many people?

Perhaps you often feel inadequate and excluded. You look at others as if from afar and realise with astonishment that you are standing outside yourself. You wonder whether you are not quite right in the head. But you prefer not to talk about this experience. That makes you even more lonely.


Have you experienced that love is always associated with at least a pinch of pain?

Does your love life show some sort of pain in it? Maybe you feel in love and guilty at the same time, with or without a reason? Perhaps your relationship has an inherent quality of non-freedom or of being at the mercy of the other. You can’t make it out quite right, but you feel, it is there.


Do you know times of speechlessness when you can’t share your inner reality?

You somehow feel trapped inside yourself and don’t even have an expression to communicate this state. Not to mention what is trapped inside you along with you. It feels like a wordless, numbing nothingness. Or a grey, mute mass, and this mass silences you. You’d rather wait for better times.


Are intimacy, distance and boundaries difficult issues for you?

You are very empathic and cannot simply block out what you sympathise with. What is present in the room is usually closer to you than your own centre, which you then only feel dully. You find it difficult to say “no”. You put your own needs at the back of the queue.


Is the bathtub or being in the water a bit of heaven or a bit of hell for you?

Do you relax well and deeply in the bath or lake? Is it a fountain of life for you that noticeably refreshes and revitalises you? Or is the bath a place of discomfort? Is bathing in the lake always accompanied by an uncertainty and fear about what might be lurking there? One or the other, there is nothing in between.


Are your relationships above all intense?

Do you experience drama in your relationships? It is deeply good and then again deeply bad, but it is hardly ever simple and supportive over a longer period of time. It takes up a lot of your attention in everyday life and doesn’t provide a resting space.


Do you feel attracted by what goes beyond this world and life here?

Maybe you read or heard reports of near-death experiences. With doubt of course, but it’s kind of interesting. You might feel fascinated by spiritual mediumship, energy therapy or any other so-called spiritual realities. Meditation, the spiritual side of yoga, kundalini energy, none-duality. With the corresponding doubt again, of course, all the time.


Do you find it difficult to express your needs to a loved one?

It starts with the fact that you simply don’t know exactly what your needs are. Of course you have longings, but it’s difficult to put them into words. You do what’s needed, and this is not about your needs. Sometimes you might need some space for yourself, but it has to be very tight until you express that. You will only defend this on the verge of being crushed.


Do you doubt many of the questions above, on the grounds that everyone would answer yes?

The topics of these questions seem so general and commonplace to you that you think everyone experiences them. The questions raised are basically on everyone’s mind, aren’t they? But you realise that you’ve hardly spoken to anyone about it. But is commonplace, you’re sure of it. When you think of talking about it, you feel uncomfortable about where and with whom.


You’ve made it, welcome! You have probably already gained one or two new insights along the way. Take them with you. And now it’s time for your curiosity! Hit the button!


See your overall result and read your corresponding section. As mentioned, you might add 4 extra points for the fact that doubt is an innate trait of solitary twins.

Overall result 0 to 18 points

Perhaps you realised yourself when you answered the questions: The topic of twins doesn’t seem to be an issue for you, at least at the moment. That’s good to know, and perhaps you’ll continue your search for clues in other areas. Thank you for your interest and keep reading these pages, maybe there are a few hints that will give you an insight into what you should look out for.

▲▲Twenty questions            ▲Analysis

Overall result 19 to 37 points

You seem to be flirting with the idea of being a solitary twin. Being curious is a good thing. And flirting is definitely related to being curious. Flirt for all you’re worth, keep reading these pages wherever you want. Sleep on it, a few times. Let it grow or fall asleep again. Time will tell. Don’t rush and enjoy being flirty and curious in life. Come back anytime, this website is a work in progress. Maybe this twin test doesn’t really capture the issue in your case and next time it will be smarter. Be your own chairman in any given case! Thank you.

▲▲Twenty questions            ▲Analysis

Overall result 38 to 56 points

Are you a professional doubter? If so, check the twin test again and correct your selection so that you use your doubt in favour of achieving more points. Push yourself to your limits and then note the difference. Add half of the difference to the first result, and you get a result which is probably more true. Agreed? In any case, you can tie in with most of the topics, and with many of them to a greater extent.

Your result says that for a while you should better doubt that you are not a solitary twin. You want to play it safe, don’t you? Continue to be open, lead and allow yourself to be led in your search for clues. You have come so far reading this. Thumbs up! Maybe have a look to the “related numbers”, if “relationship” and “yourself“ is wide apart, then maybe one of these two topics doesn’t apply to you as much as the other. And please remember, this twin test is not the ultimate truth, but a search for clues. Thank you.

▲▲Twenty questions            ▲Analysis

Overall result 57 to 80 points

So here you are. You tie in with almost all of the topics to a high degree. I guess you still have some doubts about the value of this twin test. I can take that. For my part, I am proud that this twin test has passed the test with you. You must be a solitary twin to land on this homepage, fill out this twin test and realise that almost all the questions apply to you to such a large extent. No doubt about this on my side.

All these questions point to profound issues for solitary twins in various areas of their lives. I can assure you of that. They may not cover the entire range of possible effects, but they certainly cover a central and important part of them. No doubt about that either. So, dealing with your own doubts is part of your healing journey. From where ever you arrived here, if you get it right, the days of incomprehensible bumps on the roads are over.

In these pages here you are sure to find some groundbreaking insights that will help you integrate your story as a solitary twin into your life. This will change your life for the better! Now that you know what you’re at, life becomes much more comprehensible and much easier, guaranteed! Below you will find suggested reading for more advice on what and where to look. Welcome to the club of solitary twins, I feel honoured that you’re reading along here! Thank you very much.

▲▲Twenty questions            ▲Analysis

Reading suggestions from here:
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Image sources: With thanks to CDD20.

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