Vision & guiding principle

TwinConnection Symbol

I would like to contribute helpful perspectives on the topic of the lost or vanished twin, also known as the twin survivor issue.

A guiding star in the sky

My guiding star is the question: Is what I am contributing helpful for you? Does the content I contribute have the potential to make a difference in your life? Does it help you to grow, to become clearer and lighter? Does it help you to become more aware?

A connecting line between an illuminated window and the moon

The psychological level is important, I am also happy to contribute to this. But the key lies in the connection between you as a solitary twin and your timeless twin. Without looking at the energetical and spiritual realities, we miss the most important things. Then we miss the bliss of this connection in our lives.

People who are connected and look up at the stars

Only another solitary twin can comprehend what it means to be a solitary twin. This is natural and my experience shows this without exception. Connecting with other solitary twins offers an unimaginable healing potential. Facilitating connection with other solitary twins is also part of my vision. Learn from the experiences of others and share your own, in different forms for different needs. In a nutshell: Connect, learn, grow!

And all the above in a way that often brings a smile to our faces. Time and again.

Image sources: With thanks to CDD20.

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