Language creates reality

Piles of book show a slippery reality but there is a star in it.

Reality is created by words. An example? When we say that our twin has died, that is a kind of reality. When we say that our twin has remained in the timeless realm, that is also a kind of reality. The first can be contained in the second. We could also say that we fell out of the heavens. Or we could say that we came here to expand beyond all known possibilities. Our chosen words create our reality. Literally.

This is a kind of vocabulary. Read the intro, it’s worth its 1 minute of reading time. And then pick your choice, enjoy.

Intro to Language creates reality

Man looks at the reality of a book

Reality is a slippery word. Hopefully, we have all experienced that what we called reality in the past is now recognised as just a shortened version of reality. That is life at its best, growing consciousness with other words. But here we leave the premises of definitions of reality to others.

The language we use greatly influences the way we think about or perceive reality. So language and words are important. They create sort of a reality. The other way round, a perceived reality creates language and words. Mindboggling, but true. Reality is perceived and thought from someone. So absolute reality goes down the drain.

Now this all said: words are sometimes misleading. Especially terms that everyone immediately “knows” what we are talking about. Kind of “you know what I mean?” On these pages I use a descriptive language the best I can to avoid such terms. But I feel that there are some words that are worth clarifying. Some I use intentionally and consciously in the sense as described below. And others I deliberately don’t use.

Thank you for taking note.


a state of openness towards thoughts, feelings and senses from a non-interfering, observing inner place. It can allow intuition or experience of phenomena.



Doubt is such a big issue for solitary twins that it deserves an entry here. Possible lines back go to duhibius (“held as two”) or duo (“two”). That’s a great play on words for twins, isn’t it? In its meaning it divides something in two, meaning the one or the unity gets separated. There is a lot in this image to go with.


dream of the womb

The dream of the womb manifests in our present life as an endless loop of our painful initial life story. To wake up from this dream is key! The dream of the womb itself is invaluable in understanding our narrative and reconnecting with our timeless twin. We are not aware of our narrative of our own story how we arrived in this world. But this narrative influences us in a profound way in important aspects in our life.
For a deeper insight see Wake up from the dream of the womb!


higher mind

The higher mind is the part of our mind that is not the problem-solving mind. In the higher mind I differentiate:

  • The intelligent mind observes what is, without interfering perception with judgement. It crystallises truth from contexts without regard to the observer. It observes intuitively. And it also has a sense of humour, a wise laugh that puts things in their true place.
  • The creative mind conveys unique new consciouness. It’s life itself including you, you are the very part of it. Creation. Creating something which has neither existed in time nor in timelessness ever before. We all do and experience this. We are just not aware of it. If we get a glimpse it’s just .. beyond words.
  • The vast mind. Beyond words. Descriptions that perhaps come closest to a perception are a noisy silence or a heavy weightlessness. A realm of non-duality, where the difference between the observer and the observed collapses. When the vast mind flows into the intelligent mind, we can glimpse the perfect order and overwhelming beauty in interconnectedness.

This is a personal view and experience only. To give you an idea what it is, when I talk of the higher mind. Words are important, they are creative to me.

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higher self

I was never able to find out what the higher self is. I have not yet found a clear inner image anywhere. There seem to be many different images and concepts, some of them are close to belief to me. I avoid these waters, I want to know with my heart. I don’t use the term higher self.



Life is all there is, there is no outside of it. Life is ever expanding consciousness and includes everything. The entire universe with time and space is a part of it. And so is this world, including you and me. And the timeless dimension is also a part of it, including our timeless twins. We are all part of life, always have been and always will be. We can’t fall out of it, we don’t have to reconnect with it. We are it. It’s as simple as that. So life is infinitely big and eternally colourful.

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lost twin

The term lost twin suggests that the other part got lost. This is very much a view from our side. The other side could say that too. That is of course complete nonsense, no-one can get lost. We fell for the misconception that the connection was broken, that’s all. I don’t use the term lost twin.


lost twin syndrome

See lost twin. To call it a syndrome is to add a set of symptoms that prove there is such a thing. For me, that is blurred language. I don’t use the term lost twin syndrome.


problem-solving mind

An apt and descriptive nick name is the thinking machine. It is the part of our mind that revolves around time in the past and in the future. It’s about linear cause and effect, in a nutshell about causal thinking. But there’s is more to it. This part of our mind want us to be save. So it confines us in its own space, which is very very limited. It invents riddles for us, so we are busy solving them. As long as we are solving puzzles, we are too busy to realise that we are locked up. This part of our mind repairs everything. Even that which is completely whole.

An extremely useful tool if we listen to it selectively. And an extreme disaster if it takes over instead of being used carefully. The latter seems to be the more common case. But more common does not necessarily mean healthy.

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solitary twin

I use the term solitary twin for us twin parts in this world that usually fell for the misconception that the connection to our timeless twin was broken. We live in time and space, no doubt about that.



When we use “spiritual”, we tacitly divide into “spiritual” and “non-spiritual”. In this way, we divide what cannot be separated. There is no realm which is not spiritual. When we express this fundamental error in language, we are then busy closing the gap we have opened. Better be aware not to open that gap in the first place. There is no gap. Unless we want to have it. So we can be busy closing it. That makes no sense, of course. But it is still very popular.
For a deeper insight see A timeless outlook – not a spiritual one.


surviving twin

See twin survivor. I don’t use the term surviving twin.


thinking machine

An apt and descriptive nickname for/see : problem-solving mind


timeless twin

I use the term timeless twin for our twin that is there but is usually neither visible nor tangible. Our timeless twin exists in timelessness and is a conscious being like ourselves. He or she has not vanished and is certainly not lost, but is very lively and present in consciousness.



The timeless dimension. The universe consists of space and time. Outside or beside or interwoven with the universe there is a timeless dimension. In that dimension is no time, no space, but consciousness. The currency of change in timelessness is consciousness, in contrast to our world in the universe with its currency of time. Each of us is in timelessness before and after our lives, but we are also connected to it during our lives.


twin survivor

The term twin survivor suggests that the other has not survived and no longer exists. Therein lies the view from our side. From the view of timelessness, it looks quite different. Our twin still exists. But we fell for the misconception that the connection was broken, that’s all. I don’t use the term twin survivor.


vanishing twin

The term vanishing twin suggests that the other part simply disappears and is no longer there. Therein lies a view of staying. From the point of view of leaving, there would then also be a not-coming-along twin, which would be us here. That is nonsense for me. We fell for the misconception that the connection was broken, that’s all. I don’t use the term vanishing twin.


vanishing twin syndrome

See vanishing twin. To call it a syndrome is to add a set of symptoms that prove there is such a thing. I don’t use the term vanishing twin syndrome.


womb twin survivor

See twin survivor. For me, that is blurred language. I don’t use the term womb twin survivor.


Image sources: With thanks to CDD20.

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